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Render Edge

Besides renderNode, Nice-DAG also allows you to define a render for an edge. To simplify the illustration, the Edge render example extends Read-Only DAG.

Step 1: Create an Edge render function

Same as that of node component, it's strongly recommend that you can create a separate React component for edges.

function Edge({edge}) {
return <div className="my-first-dag-edge">{} to {}</div>;

const renderEdge = props => {
return <Edge {...props} />;

The edge object is passed the functional component as the properties. It is given by Nice-DAG in default.

You can also specify the edge styles. Usually, you can adapt the margin-top to adapt the position of edge labels (above or below the line).

.my-first-dag-edge {
text-align: center;
margin-top: -20px;

Step 2: Pass the render function to useNiceDag

Once you have the render method, you can simply add it to be the parameter of useNiceDag.

import { useNiceDag } from "@ebay/nice-dag-react";

export function MyFirstDag() {
//call useNiceDag
const { niceDag, niceDagEl, render } = useNiceDag({
initNodes: NodeData,
renderEdge, //pass edge render function