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Drag And Drop (Edge)

Besides the node dragging and dropping support, Nice-DAG also support edge dragging and dropping. To simplify the illustration, the example extends Drag And Drop (Node).

Step 1: Add Connector component to Node

The Connector component is a separated component that can handle dragging events of edge connection. The component should be added to the node component.

function Connector({ node, niceDag }) {
return <div className={`my-first-dag-connector`}/>

function SampleNode({ node, niceDag }) {
return (
<div className="editable-sample-node">
<Connector node={node} niceDag={niceDag}/>

Here is to give the node position by css.

.my-first-dag-connector {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
border: 1px solid black;
border-radius: 50%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
background: white;
cursor: pointer;
right: -8px;

Step 2: Add dragging event listener to the connector

Nice-DAG gives an edge dragging event listener in default. To get the listener, you need to use useNiceDagNode hook.

function Connector({ niceDag, node }) {
const { startEdgeDragging } = useNiceDagNode({ node, niceDag });
return <div className={`my-first-dag-connector`} onMouseDown={startEdgeDragging}/>;