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Add Node to DAG

In terms of editable DAG, Nice-DAG supports adding nodes to existing DAG diagram. The example extends Drag And Drop (Edge).

Step 1: Add a DOM node handling node creation

export function MyFirstDag() {
const { niceDagEl, render, niceDag } = useNiceDag({
initNodes: NodeData,
editable: true,


return (
<div className="control-bar">
<button>Add</button> <!--Here is to add a button-->
<div className="my-first-dag" ref={niceDagEl} />

Step 2: Add an event listener to create node

The node creation is realized by a NiceDag API. In order to optimize React component updating, you can call the API within a useCallback clause.

import React, {useCallback} from 'react';

let nodeCtnRef = 0; //Node count reference which is used to make node id unique.

export function MyFirstDag() {
const { niceDagEl, render, niceDag } = useNiceDag({
initNodes: NodeData,
editable: true,


const createNodeFn = useCallback(() => {
id: `new-node-${nodeCtnRef}`,
}, {
x: 40, //offsetX related to the top container of DAG view
y: 40 //offsetY related to the top container of DAG view
nodeCtnRef = nodeCtnRef + 1;
}, [niceDag]);

return (
<div className="control-bar">
<button onClick={createNodeFn}>Add</button>
<div className="my-first-dag" ref={niceDagEl} />

Notes: To call the addNode method, you need to give an unique node id.