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Drag And Drop (Node)

To enable DnD support, we need to create an editable DAG view. The editable DAG example extends Read-Only DAG.

Step 1: Add editable to useNiceDag hook

To make the DAG view editable is pretty simple. You can add a boolean parameter editable to the useNiceDag hook. Besides, you need to have a React hook which should call startEditing() because Nice-DAG disables edit function in default.

export function MyFirstDag() {
//call useNiceDag
const { niceDagEl, render, niceDag } = useNiceDag({
initNodes: NodeData,
editable: true,

useEffect(() => {
if (niceDag) {
niceDag.startEditing(); //MUST call startEditing before edit DAG
}, [niceDag]);

return (
<div className="my-first-dag" ref={niceDagEl} />

Step 2: Add Dragging&Dropping event listener

To make the node movable, you need to adapt the method signature of renderNode by add niceDag parameter.

function renderNode({ node, niceDag }) {
return <SampleNode node={node} niceDag={niceDag} />;

After then, you need to pass niceDag to the node component.

import { useNiceDag, useNiceDagNode } from "@ebay/nice-dag-react";

function SampleNode({ node, niceDag }) {
const { startNodeDragging } = useNiceDagNode({ node, niceDag }); //call nice dag hook to get the startNodeDragging method
return (
<div className="my-first-dag-node">
<span onMouseDown={startNodeDragging}>{}</span>

As the code shows, the event listener startNodeDragging is returned by useNiceDagNode hook so that you need to import it from @ebay/nice-dag-react. After then, you need to bind the event listener to onMouseDown of the target DOM which should be clickable for movement.


The onMouseDown listener should not be added to the top-level container of node but a child DOM node in order to avoid events conflicts. For example, a child DOM node for node deleting can not response if the top-level container is added onMouseDown event.

For this sample, we need to adapt the <span> size by given a css class.

.my-first-dag-node > span {
display: block;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;