eBay's TSV Utilities

Command line tools for large tabular data files.

Project maintained by eBay Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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tsv-pretty reference

Synopsis: tsv-pretty [options] [file…]

tsv-pretty outputs TSV data in a format intended to be more human readable when working on the command line. This is done primarily by lining up data into fixed-width columns. Text is left aligned, numbers are right aligned. Floating points numbers are aligned on the decimal point when feasible.

Processing begins by reading the initial set of lines into memory to determine the field widths and data types of each column. This look-ahead buffer is used for header detection as well. Output begins after this processing is complete.

By default, only the alignment is changed, the actual values are not modified. Several of the formatting options do modify the values.




A tab-delimited file printed without any formatting:

$ cat sample.tsv
Color   Count   Ht      Wt
Brown   106     202.2   1.5
Canary Yellow   7       106     0.761
Chartreuse	1139	77.02   6.22
Fluorescent Orange	422     1141.7  7.921
Grey	19	140.3	1.03

The same file printed with tsv-pretty:

$ tsv-pretty sample.tsv
Color               Count       Ht     Wt
Brown                 106   202.2   1.5
Canary Yellow           7   106     0.761
Chartreuse           1139    77.02  6.22
Fluorescent Orange    422  1141.7   7.921
Grey                   19   140.3   1.03

Printed with float formatting and header underlining:

$ tsv-pretty -f -u sample.tsv
Color               Count       Ht     Wt
-----               -----       --     --
Brown                 106   202.20  1.500
Canary Yellow           7   106.00  0.761
Chartreuse           1139    77.02  6.220
Fluorescent Orange    422  1141.70  7.921
Grey                   19   140.30  1.030

Printed with setting the precision to one:

$ tsv-pretty -u -p 1 sample.tsv
Color               Count      Ht   Wt
-----               -----      --   --
Brown                 106   202.2  1.5
Canary Yellow           7   106.0  0.8
Chartreuse           1139    77.0  6.2
Fluorescent Orange    422  1141.7  7.9
Grey                   19   140.3  1.0