@ebay/skin/ utility

The utility module provides a small set of common, utility classes. It is not intended as an exhaustive library of utility classes or functions (i.e. it is not Funcssion !).

Utility Classes
.clearfixClear floated elements
.clippedElement visible to screen reader only
.clipped--stealthClipped element becomes visible on focus (modifier)
.image-treatmentApplied on an image container. Will apply a grey background to the image inside container.
.image-stretchImage will stretch up and down
.image-centerVertically and horizontally center an image
.image-scaleImage will scale up and down
.image-disabledImage will appear disabled.
.scrollbars-permanentDisplay permanent scrollbars on containers as a progressive enhancement.
.text-truncateTruncate single-line text

Utility Notes

Utility Notes
will-changeThere are known performance issues using this approach to indicate imminent element style changes for browsers. It's recommended to use this sparingly and only to remedy known performance issues and not anticipate them.