DS v1A list component is used to display certain types of data in a structured format. It can be used to display a list of items, a list of links, or a list of buttons.
This can be placed inside a container and will resize to fit the contents. The list expands to a maxumum of 480px.
Default List
- Text 1
- Text 2
- Text 3
Actionable list
List also supports buttons or links as a list item. Actionable components, such as a switch, can be added in the trailing portion of the list, but they cannot be used in conjunction with buttons or link.
- Link
- Item 1 with an action
List with dividers
To add a divider, add a hr element after the list item.
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item with a large amount of text that should wrap and go to the next line. If there is too much it would wrap
List with variable width
The list will adjust to the width of the container it is in.
- Item 1
- Item 2
List with fieldset
For an interactive list, you can add a fieldset with radios or checkboxes