
DS v2

An infotip is a button which can be clicked to display information about another element or area on the page.

Toggle the aria-expanded state of the button to expand or collapse the infotip.


Here's a tip to help you be successful at your task.

By default, the position of the overlay and its pointer will remain static. For these following examples, we are using floating-ui to help position the tooltip and the pointer dynamically.

In order to get this to work with floating-ui, you need to remove pointer position infotip__pointer--top-left and remove any style positioning


Here's a tip to help you be successful at your task.

If nesting an infotip inside of a paragraph element, make sure that there are no block level elements, such as div, h1-6, or p elements.

Inside paragraph InfotipHere's a tip to help you be successful at your task.

Modal Infotip

On small screens, the infotip should launch a modal lightbox-dialog.