DS v1Education Notice
The education notice is meant to display a variety of informational content. By default it has a gray background color that has less prominence.
Education notice can use any large 24x24 program badge icon. The icon can be black or blue. They are black by default, but approved program badges can use blue. If the blue is too prominent or noisy, program badges can use black as well.
Did you know?
You can now split payments on two cards.
Education Notice with a Prominent Icon
Default educational notice (gray background) can use a blue icon by adding an icon--prominent modifier on the icon element.
Did you know?
You can now split payments on two cards.
Prominent Education Notice
The prominent education notice includes a background color that pops a bit more. It can be used with a education-notice--prominent modifier.
Authenticity Guaranteed
Authenticity Guarantee means your item is authentic or your money back.
Dismissable Education Notice
A close button can be placed in a education-notice__header element.
Did you know?
You can now split payments on two cards.
Actionable Education Notice
Link or button actions can be placed in the education-notice__footer element.
Actionable Education Notice Using Link
The Vault
You can now use the Vault to store items like this securely.
Actionable Education Notice Using Fake Button
The Vault
You can now use the Vault to store items like this securely.